
Quiz question suggestions: Language, words and grammar

Quiz-question-suggestions about Language, words and grammar

How many languages are spoken in the United States of America?
Options: 2, 3-10, around 30, over 300. Answer = over 300

What is the official language in Canada? English and French
What is the official language in England? English
What is the official language in Brazil? Portuguese
What is the official language in Samoa? Samoan
What is the official language in Wales?  Welsh
(Substitute any other countries , depending on what your quiz-participants are likely to know about)

What type of word names things? - A noun
What type of work names actions? A verb
What type of word describes something? An adjective
What type of word intensifies an action? An adverb
What type of word stands in for a proper name? A pronoun.
What type of word joins two phrases together? A conjunction
What type of word links a noun to another word? A preposition
What type of word can be a complete sentence by itself? An interjection

What is the name for the rules describing how sentences are put together in a language? Grammar
What is the name for identifying the part-of-speech which each word in a sentence is? Parsing

What is the most common punctuation mark at the end of a sentence?   A full-stop
What punctuation mark is used at the end of a question?   A question mark.
What's the proper name for an "and" symbol (&) - Ampersand
What's the proper name for the "hash" symbol (#) - octothorpe
What's the proper name for a dash symbol (-)?    A hyphen
Which is wider, an en-dash or an em-dash?   An em-dash

WFT, LOL and AMA are all examples of what?  Three-letter acronyms.  (TLA's)

What language is spoken by most people in the world? Mandarin Chinese.
What is the second most common native language in the world? Spanish

What word describes someone who can speak two languages?  Bi-lingual.
What word describes someone who can only speak one language?  Mono-lingual or Monoglot
What word describes someone who can speak two languages many?  Multi-lingual or Polyglot

What is the most commonly-used letter in the alphabet in English? E
What is the least-used letter in the alphabet in English, according to the Oxford English dictionary? Q
In English, how many vowels are there? 5: A, E, I, O and U
In English, how many consonants are there? 26-5 = 21

What do Kilngon, Elvish and Dothraki have in common? They are fake languages, made up for books and/or movies.
What is the most well-known dead language?   Latin
Which book has been translated into most languages? The Bible