
The Key Fact Sheet - a tool for promoting your table quiz

Usually, you cannot do much to promote a table quiz - or any other event - until the most important details have been organized.   This includes where, when, why, how much etc.

A Key Fact Sheet is a tool you can use to organize this information.

It has prompts for the critical  information, and is a place to record the agreed text for press-releases etc.

It may be particularly useful if you are doing the promotional work for someone else's event:  you can use it as the agreed source of information.

You can download a blank Key Fact Sheet at the bottom of this post - and you are welcome to adapt it for your own use.

What does a Key Fact Sheet contain

Each event has different needs, but a good starting point for the key facts includes
  • Quiz date and time
  • Location
  • Goals / aims
  • How to register / cost
  • Contact details / person
  • A sentence or two, for Facebook and Twitter posts, newsletters, reminder emails, etc
  • A few paragraphs of text for press-releases, website posts, etc
  • A (link to) the logo or pictures that can be used to promote the quiz

Download a blank Key Fact Sheets

Open the form on your computer by clicking the type of file you want:

MS Word format

Use this if you need to change the form

PDF format

Use this to get guaranteed formatting

What does the Key Fact Sheet look like?