It may be the only planning tool that you need for a small, simple quiz run by people who are familiar with running quizzes and with working together.
Or it may be a summary that you use to keep track of many other detailed plans, schedules etc.
Printable version
Click on the icon to open a version of the checklist that you can print. The Word version lets you make add extra item, and delete ones that aren't relevant.
MS Word version
use this if you need to change the file

PDF version
use this if you just need a printed copy
Checklist items
- Establish goals and possible participants
- Team members
- Question preparation
- Quizmaster / MC
- on-the-day helpers: markers, runners - Book a location / venue
- Budget
- Publicity / promotions
- Detailed event plan for the quiz-event
- Prepare questions
- Prepare answer sheets and table numbers
- Sponsorship
- Prizes
- Ticket sales
- Equipment (tee-shirts, PA system, laptop, data-projector, pens/pencils, chalk / whiteboard markers, whatever else)
- Catering
- Set up the venue
- Registrations
- Clean-up
- Banking / paying bills
- Thank-yous and followup
There are also three blank sections at the bottom, where you can add anything these that's important for your quiz: If we've missed anything important, leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page, and we'll update the form.